Joseph Stevens has spent two weeks working with CSE and can now add an understanding of ‘Office Open XML documents’ and ‘C# Language Integrated Queries’ to his skills. He is now returning to complete his A-levels and leaves us with a tool that enables us to automatically populate some of our Word templates. We have enjoyed working with Joseph and wish him well with his studies.
We are sure that being presented with a ‘real-world problem’ and asked to solve it is a relatively challenging prospect, but Joseph has handled it admirably.
Here, in his own words, are Joseph’s thoughts on the challenges he faced.
From my work experience over the last couple of weeks I have increased my programming knowledge and gained some valuable skills.
The task I was set was to create a C# program that generates an invoice document from a template. I enjoyed learning how to manipulate Word documents from code. I also enjoyed learning how to make code more maintainable and readable as these are skills that I can use in the future. What I found most difficult was creating a table in Word (via code), this required some complicated coding, not to mention that I spent two days figuring out how to append a row! Overall, this experience has been very useful to me and I would recommend this company to anyone.
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